Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Well John Did It

Well, I am brand new to the blog world, but how hard can it be, John does it. The thing is I am starting this blog because a friend of mine (hint: his name starts with a J) has a couple of blogs and I thought "why don't I start a blog?" So here I am, raring to tell the world what I think. Not that anyone really cares what I think, but why does anyone really publish anything in the first place - because they can. I guess we will see where this blog leads. All I can hope is that this blog will inspire someone else to start a blog, like a contagious disease.


limeade said...

Well done. We'll see how long it takes before someone else gets inspired. Great links by the way.

creasy bear said...

does this mean i don't have to refer to him as limeade anymore? because that's still kinda weird.

Anonymous said...

Well Daniel, just saw your myspace bulletin, and wanted to welcome you to the BLOG World, I myself probably have more blogs then I should LOL, I have a central location for my blogs, its my personal site if you go to my site you will see a MY FAV LINKS TAB, Enjoy !
Have fun with your blog!
~Jennifer P