Sunday, September 23, 2007

Everything's Not Always Big in Texas

Being that I am from Texas, football has a special place in my heart. And we all know that Texas has a reputation for it's high school football and having all things big. But did you know that there is "little" football in Texas? By "little" football I am referring to 6-Man football.

6-man football is very interesting to watch. The pace of the game is very fast and it isn't uncommon to see 80 or 90 points scored on one side of the game. Which makes sense when you look at what is really going on. You only have 6 guys on the field and everyone is an eligible reciever and the fields are only 80 yards long. Since it is easier to score, there is a mercy rule; if one team is leading by 45 points at halftime or anytime there after the game is over.

Just like 11-man football, when a touchdown is scored the scoring team then has a decision to make; kick a field goal or run another play, however due to the difficulty of kicking a field goal, the point after kick is worth 2 points and a conversion is worth 1 point. Likewise a field goal is worth 4 points.

This games can be a lot of fun to watch. So if you are ever in Texas and looking for something to do, check out a local 6-man football game.

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